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Some frequently asked questions are:


What is a Dojo?

  • A Dojo is the the term we use to describe the place where we train, it is “a Japanese term which literally means ‘place of the way'”.

Who or what is a Sensei?

  • The Sensei is the teacher, or leader of the class. Our main sensei is sensei Ian Roberts.

When and Where do we train?

  • we train twice a week at 6:30pm to 8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Sutton Leisure center, Elton Head Road, WA9 5AU

Can you explain the belt system to me, and what is Kyu and Dan?

  • You start out on the coloured belts, which are the Kyu grades. Once you have passed all the requirements, you can finally get your Black Belt which is the Dan grade.

  • The coloured belts order is as below, the Kata next to each colour is the required kata to reach that belt [that you learn whilst the Kyu grade below]:

    • Novice: White Belt, n/a,

    • 9th Kyu: Orange Belt, Kihon Kata

    • 8th Kyu: Red Belt, Heian Shodan Kata

    • 7th Kyu: Yellow Belt, Heian Nidan Kata

    • 6th Kyu: Green Belt, Heian Sandan Kata

    • 5th Kyu: Purple Belt, Heian Yondan Kata

    • 4th Kyu: Purple Stripe Belt, Heian Godan Kata

    • 3rd Kyu: Brown Belt, Tekki Shodan Kata

    • 2nd Kyu: Brown Stripe Belt, Bassai Dai Kata

    • 1st Kyu: Brown Two Stripe Belt, Bassai Dai Kata

    • 1st Dan: Black Belt

What is a Grading?​

  • A grading is where an Outside examiner comes to the club to asses you. If you pass you get to move to the next belt.

I have had a break in training - do I need to re-grade?

  • No, we don't take away grades - but ask the instructor to help you return to fitness, ability and standard in a sensible and safe way

I see lots of competitions mentioned, is it a requirement to go?

  • No, you do not have to go, although we like to encourage people to.

  • There’s a really good team spirit amongst our members, and also their families and friends make them exciting days out.

What is a Temporary Kyu Grade?

  • A student may receive a 'Temporary' grade, which means that they are not quite up to the required standard. They will however wear the same coloured belt and train on the same syllabus as if they were a full grade.

  • Students who fail a Kyu grading may re-take their examination after three months.

How do I transfer the Kyu Grades to the KUGB from other Shotokan associations?

  • Karateka who transfer to the KUGB may wear the belt of their current grade but must re-grade within 6 months of the transfer and will be given a grade appropriate to their KUGB standard.

  • They may be awarded the same grade, a lower grade or the next grade up. They will then continue grading with the KUGB within the usual time scales.

How do I obtain/renew my licence?

What is a licence?

  • A licence is what tracks and insures you when doing karate.

Whats the white suit called and is it need to take part?

  • The white suit is called a Gi


  • No you do not need one to train, but will need one if you wish to grade.


  • Tracksuit bottoms, leggings, shorts and a    t-shirt are suitable to train in.

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